NCPC launches ProTool Saint Lucia moves forward into a more data-driven society with NCPC’s launch of ProTool. Fasove would like to thank NCPC for the opportunity to support this important initiative that will increase the opportunities to improve society, empower individuals and benefit businesses.

Fasove, UWI and our outlook for innovation

Through insights and the foresight of the scholars at the UWI, research and development is finding a way to benefit TT through its innovations, by putting the theories and research papers to practical use. Persad, also launched a design company called FaSoVe, which works with researchers to take ideas through the innovation process and make their solutions ready for the market.

Low Cost Robotic Kit

Globally there are many challenges facing our educational systems. Two areas of concern are: The lack of multimodal teaching styles in the classroom The lack of access to Technology and Engineering (T+E) experiences for our children. Multimodal Teaching Styles: Multimodal teaching is a form of teaching which recognises that we internalise information in various ways Read more about Low Cost Robotic Kit[…]

Renewable Energy Air Purifier (REAP)

In 2013, 6.7million persons suffered premature deaths due to the air quality of their environment. More than 80% of those who died were women, children and the elderly [1]. Two significant sources of pollutants are smoke from fires used for cooking & heating and persistent smog in urban areas. Women, children and the elderly are Read more about Renewable Energy Air Purifier (REAP)[…]